Training the VO2max
In order to improve the maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), it is important to know the performance of your aerobic metabolism. With the right training methods, positive adaptations can be seen after just 2 - 4 weeks.
Basically, any type of training is also VO2max training. Even if the training intensity is low, oxygen is used in the muscle cells to generate energy. With this method, however, you will quickly reach a performance plateau and your VO2max will not improve any further. Too easy or too intensive training can even lower your VO2max. In addition to your aerobic performance and VO2max, AI DIAGNOSTICS also determines your individual training zones, to improve your VO2max in the long term. Find out more about VO2max here.
Tips for Effectively Training Your VO2max
- Know your aerobic performance and VO2max
- Know your individual training zones. Your VO2max training zone should be derived from your maximum aerobic performance.
- Optimize the nutrition for your VO2max training sessions
- Evaluate your performance development and training zones regularly (approx. every 4 - 6 weeks)
Training to Improve VO2max:
30-Second Intervals as Intermittent Exercise (IE)

Execution: Warm up well. Then do 3 x 8 Intermittent Exercise (IE) intervals (30 seconds effort / 30 seconds recovery) with a 5-minute break in the E1-range. The intensity should be in the range of 120 - 135% of your threshold power.
Rate of perceived exertion (RPE): On a scale of 1 to 10, the exertion during the intervals should be rated between 8 and 9. Your heart rate should settle at >90% of your maximum heart rate.
Nutrition: Ensure a (sufficiently) high carbohydrate intake before training and, if necessary, add approx. 40 - 60g of carbohydrates during the session. Your body will need the carbohydrates as an energy source for the high-intensity intervals
Progression:: Increase the interval duration up to 3 x (10 x 30/30 IE) and 3 x (12 x 30/30 IE). The intervals can also be done as 40/20 IEs (40 seconds effort / 20 seconds recovery).
4-Minute High-Intensity Intervals (Hi)

Execution: After the warm-up, ride 4 x 4-minute high-intensity intervals (Hi) with an active recovery of 3 - 4 minutes in the E1-zone. The intensity should be in the range of 95 - 105% of maximum aerobic power (power at VO2max).
Rate of perceived exertion (RPE): On a scale of 1 to 10, the exertion during the intervals should be rated between 8 and 9. Your heart rate should level off at >90% of your maximum heart rate.
Nutrition: Ensure a (sufficiently) high carbohydrate intake before training and, if necessary, also consume approx. 40 - 60g of carbohydrates during the session. Your body will need carbohydrates as an energy source for the intensive intervals.
Progression: The interval duration can vary in the range of 2 - 5 minutes and the active recovery in between should be adjusted so that the intensity can be maintained over all intervals.