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Training Zones

The performance of athletes is composed differently. With AI DIAGNOSTICS you determine all training zones that are important for your individual and effective training.

Training zones divide the entire performance spectrum into various intensity ranges and separate different, dominant metabolic states from each other. They serve to describe and control training in a uniform way.

Note Training zones are always to be understood as intensity ranges whose transitions are fluid.

Most coaches and popular training software still derive training zones as a percentage of the anaerobic threshold or FTP values. The resulting general training recommendations do not take into account the individual physiological profile of an athlete and are often the cause of stagnation in training progress.

AI DIAGNOSTICS determines your training zones based on your individual physiological profile. Based on VLamax, VO2max, Fatmax and your anaerobic threshold you get individual and differentiated training zones.

Standard Training Zones

Active Recovery (AR)

  • very relaxed training zone. Used for active recovery.
  • perceived exertion 1-2 out of 10

Basic Endurance 1 (E1)

  • improves your aerobic capacity through a variety of adaptive processes; increases VO2max; economises your energy metabolism and improves fat metabolism
  • moderate intensity. Perceived exertion 3-4 out of 10
  • recommended cadence: 80-100 rpm

Basic Endurance 2 (E2)

  • improves your aerobic capacity through a variety of adaptive processes; increases VO2max; economises your energy metabolism and improves fat metabolism; some competition intensity
  • medium intensity. Perceived exertion 5-6 out of 10
  • recommended cadence: 70-100 rpm

Threshold (TH)

  • increases your maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max); aerobic capacity; training at the anaerobic threshold; lactate build-up and degradation; some competition-specific intensity
  • medium to high intensity. Perceived exertion 7-8 out of 10
  • recommended cadence: 80-100 rpm

High Intensity (HI)

  • increases your maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max); aerobic and anaerobic capacity; lactate build-up and degradation; some competition-specific intensity
  • high to very high intensity. Perceived exertion 9-10 out of 10
  • recommended cadence: 80-120 rpm

Specific Training Zones

Note Specific training zones are not classic training zones. They are training methods for the targeted improvement and adaptation of physiological parameters.

Strength Endurance (SE)

  • economises your energy metabolism; improves aerobic capacity and reduces anaerobic power
  • medium intensity. Perceived exertion 5-7 out of 10
  • recommended cadence: 40-60 rpm


  • improves fat metabolism; aerobic capacity and economises energy metabolism
  • moderate intensity. Perceived exertion 4-5 out of 10
  • recommended cadence: 70-100 rpm

Intermittent Exercise (IE)

  • increases your maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max); aerobic and anaerobic capacity; lactate build-up and degradation
  • high to very high intensity. Perceived exertion 8-9 out of 10
  • recommended cadence: 80-120 rpm


  • increases your maximam oxygen uptake (VO2max); aerobic and anaerobic capacity; lactate build-up and degradation
  • high to very high intensity. Perceived exertion 9-10 out of 10
  • recommended cadence: 80-100 rpm

Lactate Clearance

  • improves lactate transport/build-up and degradation. Improves aerobic capacity and economise energy metabolism
  • medium to high intensity. Perceived exertion 7-8 out of 10.
  • recommended cadence: 40-100 rpm
