Training the Anaerobic Threshold and FTP
The anaerobic threshold (ANT) describes a continuous performance at which lactate accumulation (glycolytic system) and lactate clearance (aerobic system) are at a steady-state. AI DIAGNOSTICS can be used to analyze the anaerobic threshold and its physiological determinants via the metabolic profile. The results can be used to identify which system offers the greatest training potential to improve the anaerobic threshold. The physiological background is explained here.
Tips on Training the Anaerobic Threshold
- Improve your aerobic energy production and lactate combustion (VO2max).
- Reduce your glycolytic energy contribution and lactate production (VLamax).
- Train in the anaerobic threshold zone
Training to Improve the Anaerobic Threshold and FTP
4-Minute Intervals at the Anaerobic Threshold (TH)

Execution: After the warm-up, complete 4 x 4 minutes at Threshold (TH) with active recovery of 2 - 4 minutes in the E1-zone. The intensity should be in the range of 95 - 105% of your threshold power.
Rate of perceived exertion (RPE): On a scale of 1 to 10, the exertion during the intervals should be rated between 6 and 8.
Nutrition: Ensure a (sufficiently) high carbohydrate intake before training and, if necessary, add approx. 40 - 60g of carbohydrates during the session. Your body will need the carbohydrates as an energy source for the intensive intervals.
Progression: The interval duration can be increased from 4 x 6 minutes to 4 x 8 minutes. You can also shorten the active recovery time between intervals.
10-Minute Intervals as Sweetspot Training

Execution: After warming up, ride 3 x 10 minutes in the upper E2-range slightly below your threshold, also known as "sweetspot", with 4 - 6 minutes in the E1-zone in between. The intensity of the sweetspot intervals should be in the range of 85 - 95% of your threshold power.
Rate of perceived exertion (RPE): On a scale of 1 to 10, the exertion during the intervals should be rated between 6 and 7.
Nutrition: Ensure a sufficiently high carbohydrate intake before training and, if necessary, add approx. 20 - 40 g of carbohydrates during the session as well