FTP Test and AI DIAGNOSTICS - Performance Testing at Home
What Is the FTP Test?
The FTP test is a well-known method to determine fitness and performance in cycling and triathlon. FTP means "Functional Threshold Power" and the value stands for the maximum continuous power that can be achieved over one hour. Introduced by sports scientists Hunter Allen and Andrew Coggan, the FTP test is a very common test in cycling and triathlon. The test protocol for determining the FTP value consists of a 20-minute FTP test, which means the maximum possible power output over 20 minutes. From the average power achieved, five percent will then be subtracted to determine FTP.
FTP is described as absolute or relative power in watts or watts per kilogram.
The FTP test is popular, but it also adds little value and comes with a certain amount of risk. FTP determines a number, but it does not give any information about how the body generated this power metabolically, i.e., how the energy supply is composed. A frequently occurring problem is the overestimation of the performance ability so that training ends up too hard resulting in a performance stagnation up to overtraining.
The FTP test cannot replace complex performance diagnostics such as AI DIAGNOSTICS and is, especially for beginners, not as easy to perform as it seems.
Which FTP Test Is Good?
AI DIAGNOSTICS provides a simple and cost-effective alternative to the FTP test for cyclists and triathletes. The test is suitable for athletes of any performance level and easy to perform at home. The AI DIAGNOSTICS analysis provides differentiated insights into physiology and explains how individual performance is composed. The AI DIAGNOSTICS testing protocol can be performed indoors on a trainer or outdoors "on the road".
What Is a Good FTP Value? Comparison of FTP/Threshold Performance
The following tables include classifications of FTP/threshold power:
Problems of the Classic FTP Test
It is very unlikely that the athlete will be able to ride at the determined FTP value for exactly 60 minutes. Depending on the individual metabolic profile, the power can be maintained shorter or longer than 60 minutes. Usually, the value derived from the 20-minute test overestimates performance over 60 minutes, which can lead to inaccurate training zones and overtraining.
A 20-minute all-out test imposes high stress in training, and it is not easy to pace 20 minutes consistently. Shorter test periods of 12 minutes or less have proven to be much easier to perform and less physically and mentally demanding.
Although an FTP test provides a number describing a certain sustainable power output, it does not provide any information on how this power is composed. In fact, only the exact analysis of the different metabolic pathways makes individual training prescription possible. Where does the energy come from? Which metabolic pathway has which contribution to the energy supply? AI DIAGNOSTICS answers these questions and shows individual strengths and weaknesses of the metabolic profile.
Training zones derived on the basis of FTP alone are generalized and vague. Training ranges for Fatmax and VO2max training should be derived based on individual aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, not on a single estimated number.
The Best Alternative to FTP Testing - AI DIAGNOSTICS Performance Analysis
AI DIAGNOSTICS offers a simple test protocol with an automated analysis to determine your anaerobic threshold, VO2max, VLamax, Fatmax, and training zones. It combines all the benefits of lab and field testing, allowing you to determine individual strengths and weaknesses. This individualized perspective on performance provides the foundation for effective training plans.
AI DIAGNOSTICS is taking it a step further than conventional FTP tests and not only determines the anaerobic threshold but also which metabolic pathways are involved in energy production and to what extent. In other words, it determines how much lactate can be produced and eliminated, as well as both VO2max and VLamax, i.e., aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. Especially the anaerobic metabolism is neglected in the generalized calculation method of FTP, which often leads to an incorrect calculation.
The differentiated approach and the specific test procedure make AI DIAGNOSTICS the best alternative to the FTP test.
When Should You Do an FTP Test?
First significant changes in physiology can be achieved and measured after 6 to 8 weeks. A performance test to determine performance and training progress should be repeated every 8 to 12 weeks within the training process. This is the only way to ensure that training is individualized, goal-oriented and effective at all times.
Is FTP the Same as Anaerobic Threshold?
No. FTP is often used interchangeably with terms like anaerobic threshold or critical power. While the terms all mean more or less the same and describe a sustained power output as a metric of endurance performance, there are important differences to keep in mind: Functional Threshold Power (FTP) is defined as the maximum power output possible over one hour. Anaerobic threshold, on the other hand, is physiologically defined as the maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) and allows for a more differentiated view of performance.
AI DIAGNOSTICS determines individual and differentiated training zones based on the physiological anaerobic threshold and thereby explains how to improve performance.
Anaerobic Threshold and Maximum Lactate Steady State
In contrast to FTP, the anaerobic threshold is based on a physiological concept. The term "maximal lactate steady state" (MLSS) is commonly used synonymously, especially within the scientific literature.
Anaerobic threshold, individual anaerobic threshold or MLSS are all defined as the maximal steady state of lactate production and elimination. In other words, the power output at which the blood lactate concentration reaches a steady state and remains constant for a prolonged period of time. Performance can be maintained for 40 to 90 minutes, depending on energy availability and fitness level.
More information about the anaerobic threshold.
Critical Power
Critical Power (CP) describes the maximum possible power that can be achieved over a certain period of time.
The Critical Power model is a mathematical model to predict and describe human performance. The basis of the Critical Power model is the hyperbolic relationship between power and duration. In this model, Critical Power describes the power that can theoretically be sustained indefinitely.
Critical Power is an important indicator of aerobic endurance performance and is related to anaerobic threshold, maximal lactate steady-state, and VO2max. Critical Power is often used interchangeably along with anaerobic threshold or FTP.
The 20-minute FTP test could also be referred to as the CP20 test, which is critical power over 20 minutes. Accordingly, the FTP value determined corresponds to CP60.
FTP Test Indoor or Outdoor?
Just like the conventional FTP test, the AI DIAGNOSTICS remote performance test can be performed indoors on a trainer or outdoors as a "field test".
A performance test should be performed indoors if:
- you train a lot on an indoor trainer in the weeks after the test.
- you do not have the possibility to ride on a quiet and steady road.
- you generally integrate a lot of indoor training into your training plan.
Here you can find information about the indoor test protocol or the Zwift performance test.
A performance diagnostic should be done outdoors as a field test if:
- you will be doing a lot of outdoor training on the road or off-road in the next few weeks.
- you want to know what performance you really achieve "on the road".
- you want to know your performance and training zones for a specific set-up, for example in aero position.
- you ride mostly outdoors.
Here you can find information about the outdoor test protocol.

AI DIAGNOSTICS determines the same results as complex performance diagnostics in the laboratory
What Do I Need for an FTP Test with AI DIAGNOSTICS?
- A bike with a reliable and valid power meter …
- … or an indoor trainer with an integrated power meter
- a bike computer or training software (for example Zwift, Rouvy, Garmin)
- a steady road if the test is ridden outdoors
You can find the test procedure with further instructions here.
How Do I Improve My FTP?
To understand how to improve FTP, it helps to look at power composition. If you know VO2max and VLamax, you know which metabolic pathway is involved to which extent in energy production. A high VO2max and a medium to low VLamax are required for high FTP. An improvement in VO2max always leads to an improvement in endurance performance. A low VLamax is a premise for an efficient metabolism in endurance sports, but it comes at the expense of sprinting ability and anaerobic power. Depending on the objective, a more individualized approach makes sense, since especially in cycling and triathlon different performance requirements apply.
More information on training VO2max and VLamax can be found here.
What Is FTP in Zwift?
In the Zwift training software, FTP must be set in the user profile. Since the classic FTP test or FTP ramp test, especially for amateur athletes, only provide an inaccurate picture of performance, it is advisable to carry out differentiated performance diagnostics. The anaerobic threshold determined by AI DIAGNOSTICS can be used as FTP in the user profile and enables more precise training guidance than conventional FTP test results. The AI DIAGNOSTICS test protocol can be easily uploaded to Zwift replacing the FTP test on Zwift or the FTP ramp test. Here you can download the test protocol.